Lab news

August 2023: Congratulations to Tiezheng on passing his qualifying exam!

June 2023: Kae’s paper on female-expressed deĀ  novo genes in D. melanogaster is out in G3

May 2023: Julie’s paper on geographic differentiation of accessory gland and testis transcriptomes in D. melanogaster is out in GENETICS.

September 2020: Julie’s paper on novel gene expression patterns in D. melanogaster is out in GENETICS!

July 2019: Kae Lombardo joins the lab!

April 2019: Alex is awarded a NSF GFRP award – Congrats Alex!

March 2018: Alex joins the lab!

Didem is awarded a prestigious University of California President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship. Congrats, Didem!

November 2017: Our paper on parallel adaptation in Drosophila is out in PLOS Genetics.

September 2017: Alex Majane, first yr grad student in Integrative Genetics and Genomics, will rotate in the lab this quarter.

July 2017: Dave went to Austin for the SMBE meeting. It was pretty good.

Dave takes the reins from Michael Nachman as Senior Editor of Empirical Population Genetics at GENETICS.